Season 13 of Hilary Topper on Air is a Wrap!

Season 13 of Hilary Topper on Air

And just like that, Season 13 of Hilary Topper on Air is a wrap! Be sure to catch up on the latest episodes before Season 14 launches in February!

Long Term Career Success for Women

Women often face unique challenges on their path to long-term career success. How can you embrace your leadership role and excel at it in order to achieve a seat at the table?

Alternative Cancer Treatments | Hope Never Dies

Sadly, in the United States, there will be an estimated 1.9 million new cancer cases diagnosed and 608,570 cancer deaths in 2021. Getting a cancer diagnosis, especially when the cancer has spread and the outlook doesn’t look good, can be nothing short of devastating. But, can alternative cancer treatments help some people beat the odds?

Can Pilates Help Your Mental Health?

Mental health is a hot topic these days. From star athletes to everyday people, it seems everyone has struggled in some shape or form during the COVID-19 pandemic with mental health. It’s hard to stay on top of your mental health with everything going on in the world, but it’s incredibly important to do so. So, what can we do to make sure we’re taking care of ourselves? Can practicing pilates help people both physically and mentally?

Do You Want a 5-Star Career?

We judge almost everything using a 5-star rating. If we see a product, service, or company receive glowing 5-star reviews, we’re much more inclined to spend our money there than with a brand with only 3-star reviews. So, how can this translate to your career? Do you want a 5-star career or a mediocre one? How can we apply the science of quality management to drive personal success and get the most satisfaction from day-to-day work—no matter what type of job you have or want, your skill or educational level, or your age—which will, in turn, improve your quality of life?

Tips for Marketing New Technologies

Knowing how to best market your business is often a lot of trial and error. You implement strategies, you evaluate their ROI, and you tweak your tactics based on those results. In today’s tech-driven world, marketing technologies, old and new, is even more nuanced. What tips for marketing new technologies are important to follow in today’s COVID-19 world?

Interested in being a guest on our small business podcast, Hilary Topper on Air? Contact Lisa Gordon at [email protected] to pitch your topic and find out more details. Thanks for tuning in!