How to Write a Pitch Letter

Learning how to write a pitch letter may seem intimidating, but once you’ve learned the basics and let your creativity flow, you can come up with attention-grabbing pitches easily for your brand.

When writing a pitch letter to the media, it is important to follow these steps:

  1. Identify the target media outlet and the specific journalist you would like to reach out to.
  2. Write a compelling subject line that will catch the recipient’s attention.
  3. Keep the opening paragraph brief and to the point, highlighting the main idea or story angle you want to pitch.
  4. Explain why the story is important and relevant to the media outlet’s audience.
  5. Provide background information on your organization and its expertise on the topic.
  6. Offer additional resources such as quotes, statistics, and visuals to support your pitch.
  7. Keep it short and sweet, no longer than one page.
  8. Close the letter by expressing your willingness to answer any questions or provide further information.
  9. Include your contact information and a professional signature.

Remember to be concise, compelling, and respectful in your pitch. Good luck!

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